Do you need to have expertise with REST API?
Before we commence let us discuss what actually is REST API? REST stands for Representational State Transfer. An approach made for communication used in Web Development or Web services. For building APIs, REST is a logical choice. Whereas an API stands for Application Programming Interface which is an inherently technical task. An API could also be referred to as a set of commands used by a program to communicate with each other directly and use functions of other’s to fetch information. Also, by the end of this article we are going to mention the rest api automation testing course online, so those who want to learn rest api automation in detail and want to master in this field can learn online.
REST has become a logical choice for building APIs as it enables user to communicate or interact with cloud services efficiently. Well, if you want to use cloud services, your program needs API. Some of the examples of having an API is like different functions of Google being conducted like Search, Calendar or translation. An API has a server name, path name, etc… There are mainly 4 methods involved in API testing like GET, POST, Delete & PUT.
Talking Brief About RESTful Testing:
You need to take time to learn a new language to work with an API. So these basic languages are GET, POST, DELETE & PUT. Well Get and DELETE could be easily relatable. Whereas, POST is a way of telling softwares to “save this”. PUT is for if we made changes please save it again.
So, Rest is used in testing. While we use REST for testing we should not forget the main purpose of testing that is our context. Who is going to use this product, why they are using it, what do they value. Well, if you want to automate your testing to save more time for repetitive tasks you can use REST API Automation testing. Since, we know about REST Micro services and these services are exposed to the web and distributed over different networks it may have vulnerabilities. Therefore, it becomes important to test these APIs. For testing these APIs we need to automate the REST API Test cases instead of relying on manual testing. Therefore REST API Automation testing is in demand.